Category Genel

Shaping the Strength of Metal with Heat and Pressure

Hot forging is a manufacturing process that enhances the durability and strength of metals. This process involves heating the metal to a specific temperature and then shaping it. Hot forging alters the internal structure of metals, making them more resilient…

The Art and Industrial Application of Brass Processing

Brass, a significant metal that combines aesthetics and durability, is well-known for its versatile applications. Our business is recognized for its expertise in brass processing. Brass finds use not only for decorative purposes but also in various industrial applications. The…

Eco-Friendly Alloys: The Future of Ecobrass

Ecobrass is a significant alloy that offers an environmentally friendly production approach. Our business specializes in Ecobrass copper, aluminum, and bronze alloys, positioning itself as a pioneer in environmentally friendly alloys. These special alloys maintain the properties of traditional metals…